Divine Master Frequency of Forgiveness Live Course
(Live Jan. 6 - Feb 10. 2021)
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Zoom Information:
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Meeting ID: 811 7234 5404
Passcode: 681218
January 6, 2021 @6:00pm EST
January 13, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
January 20, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
January 27, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
February 3, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
February 10, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
During this six class live series you will be guided through an initiation of the Golden Christ Key Codex of Divine Forgiveness. Together with Brooklin’s guides and collectives as well as your guides and collectives, you will dive deep into the depths of your cellular DNA and Akashic records to release and transmute all that no longer serves you, while simultaneously integrating soul fragments and retrieving more of your Divine gifts.
Through this series we will call forth the alchemizing of all negative energy signatures and densities that have imprinted in our cellular DNA and water, as a result of the different roles we have chosen to play throughout our many lifetimes (past, present, future).
The removal and transmutation of Inorganic frequencies, technologies, an implants may be a result of this deep cellular alchemy as well. Additionally through the Divine Master Frequency of forgiveness more of your crystalline technology will be brought back online and activated, leading to the further embodiment of your Christof Template and Divine Original Blueprint.
During each of these six classes 1 to 2 of our main chakras will be focused upon. As we know our chakras are gateways and portals to our souls’ multidimensional and multiversal Akashic records. These records will be brought forward to integrate and transmute, as aligned with each individual’s highest and best interest.
Class One- Third Eye Chakra
January 6, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
We begin our journey together into the alchemizing depths of the master frequency of forgiveness. Beautiful channeled wisdom from the Sophia Christ collective and the Master Christos Collective will be shared. We will be guided into a significant Divine Forgiveness meditative activation and transmission where by light languages, ascension codex, and many other sound and light frequencies will be channeled.
There will be a specific focus upon the third eye energy center and gateway. Where by activations of crystalline technology and DNA, clearings of patterns, and expansion will take place.
Class Two - Throat Chakra
January 13, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
Isis and Hathor along with many other beings and collectives of the Christos consciousness will carry us on another step of our healing journey through the Master Frequency of Forgiveness. We will again be guided into a significant Divine Forgiveness meditative activation and transmission where by light languages, ascension codex, and many other sound and light frequencies will be channeled.
There will be a specific focus upon the throat chakra energy center and gateway. Where by activations of crystalline technology and DNA, clearings of patterns, and expansion will take place.
Class Three - Upper + Lower Heart Chakras
January 20, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
Quan Yin and Divine Mother will guide us through a sacred journey and passageway to expanding our Self Love and Self Compassion through the Golden Christ Key Codex of Forgiveness. We will journey to the Sacred Diamond Light Center in the Heart chakra of Andromeda, as well as ground into the crystalline diamond heart center of Sophia Gaia. Allowing for the expansion and further activation of our crystalline heart technologies. Creating a greater connection bandwidth to the Divine network of as above so below. Experiencing profound depths of the alchemizing nature of the Divine Master Frequency of Forgiveness.
Class Four - Solar Plexus Chakra
January 27, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
Yeshua + Mahavatar Babaji + The Emerald Oraphim Collective guide us through a multidimensional and multiversal rebirthing of our crystalline technology of the solar plexus. Allowing the Rainbow Crystalline Diamond Arc of Forgiveness to be the guiding light of transformation. There will be a specific focus upon the solar plexus chakra energy center and gateway. Where by activations of crystalline technology and DNA, clearings of patterns, and expansion will take place.
Class Five - Sacral + Root Chakras
February 3, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
Green Tara + White Buffalo Woman + The Magdalena Collective + Grandmother Guardian Gatekeepers of Sophia Gaia bring forth a deep healing journey of our personal, ancestral, and collective patterns of trauma and density. This again is a multi dimensional and multiversal Akashic clearing thru the Divine Master Frequency of Forgiveness. Specific intention and awareness will be placed on the timelines of the Lemurian Holocaust, Atlantis, and Essene massacres. There will be a specific focus upon the sacral and root chakras energy centers and gateways. Where by activations of crystalline technology and DNA, clearings of patterns, and expansion will take place. A significant activation of the Sophianic Christ template will be repaired and activated within and reconnected to the Sophia. Heist Diamond grid network within Gaia.
Class Six - Questions + Answers
February 10, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
This is an opportunity to bring forth questions for the guides to answer that pertain to the previous 5 classes we have experienced together. Depending on the volume of questions, we may close this final live meeting with a heart balancing activation.