Divine Christos Codex of Diamond Transparency
A master key to the unveiling of the separation matrix and the embodiment of greater Self Realization.
One of the most masterful ways in which the Separation Matrix has assisted humanity in continuing their journey of deep entanglement in non-truth, is by having created a massive matrix and belief system around the idea that there are parts of us that are not worthy of being accepted, loved, and embraced with compassion. This Separation Matrix encourages us to attach guilt, fear, embarrassment, and shame to these soul fragments and to hide them from ourSelves and others as though they do not exist.
This game of hide and don’t seek has been crafted and fed by the massive spectrum of fear frequencies for hundreds of thousands of years. Reinforced by and intricately woven through our society and throughout organized religion and most major institutions.
These thick layers of emotional density, self limiting beliefs, and traumas that we choose to hide creates a barrier from knowing ourSelves as the individual expressions of Source that we are. When we choose to play this game and believe in these false truths, we are feeding our energetic currency into the illusion that we are separate from others, preventing us from our Divine birthright of Unity Consciousness.
The Master Christos Collective along with many other Multidimensional Collectives of pure Source Light wish to guide us through a deep cellular journey of Self Realization and soul Alchemy through the Divine Christos Codex of Diamond Transparency.
Course Summary
During this series of six live channeled activations you will be guided through a journey to embodying more of your Christos original blueprint and Diamond Sun Architecture.
The Master Christos Collective along with many other Multidimensional Collectives of pure Source Light wish to guide us through a deep cellular journey of Self Realization and Soul Alchemy through the Diamond Christos codex of Transparency.
Assisting us in transmuting the layers of illusion that have led us to believe that there exists any soul fragment throughout all space and time that is unworthy of our complete unconditional love, compassion and embrace.
When we surrender into our intention to bring in Diamond Transparency into all aspects of our soul’s experience throughout all space and time, we open the gateway to coming home in a profound way. This is a super highway to embodying “heaven on earth”, our I AM Presence, Divine Sovereignty, and Freedom.
There is nothing to hide and there never has been! Every single experience we have had and role we have chosen to play is Divinely purposeful in the eternal evolution and expansion of our soul’s journey!!!
WEEK ONE - Disengaging from the Victim - Victimizer Matrix Programing
February 24, 2021 @ 6:00 pm EST
We begin our journey to greater depths of Self Realization through bringing awareness to
the Divine truth that we are Individual expressions of Source on an infinite journey of exploration and expansion. As these unique individual expressions of Source, it is our Divine birthright to know ourSelves as such, embracing the Infinite Creator Beings that we are.
A significant key to unlocking this potential is through the transmutation and disentanglement of the victim-victimizer matrix and its many layers of density. When we fully own and embrace the conscious awareness that we are the choosers of our choices, and not victims, we are able to ascend to great heights of clarity and transparency.
WEEK TWO - Clearing & Transmuting Judgment Programs
March 3, 2021 @ 6:00 pm EST
One of the most intricately woven fabrics of false light and suffering comes from the judgment frequencies within the separation matrix. These frequencies are masterful at keeping us separate of ourSelves and from others. They have led us to believe that there is a finite amount of possibilities of how we and others can explore ourselves, and that there is a “wrong or right” way of doing so. When in Divine truth this could never be! As we set our intentions to be free of all judgement program frequencies, we allow for greater space to be created within and outside of ourSelves to bring home fragments that we have hidden away. Experiencing greater transparency, clarity and freedom!
WEEK THREE - Dissolving and Transmuting Fear and Unworthiness Programs
March 17, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
“There is nothing to fear but fear itself”, is a Divine truth that holds significant diamond transparency and clarity! When we allow ourselves to connect into the present moment and into the zero point of neutrality we are able to understand and see more clearly that fear is similar to a dog chasing its tail. If we choose to give our energetic currency and sovereignty away to the illusion of fear we manifest more fear. This is one of the favorite consciousness traps emitted by the separation matrix. We have lots of these fear frequencies and emotional densities that we have accumulated within our field of fractured soul fragments that are awaiting to be called home and integrated. Through the gateway of the Divine Christos Codex of Diamond Transparency we are able to reclaim with clarity and transparency the full acceptance of all of these soul fragments while simultaneously transmuting the density.
WEEK FOUR - Disengaging and Transmitting Full Illumination thru Diamond Transparency the “Hide and Don’t Seek Matrix Programming
March 24, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
One of the grandest and most intelligent aspects of the separation matrix is all of the frequency and distortion programming that has created belief systems that we have something to hide, otherwise referred to by the guides as the “Hide and Don’t Seek” matrix. We can see how this has played out in our lives in a multitude of ways. This particular aspect of the matrix is riddled in judgment, fear, guilt and shame frequencies galore. When we begin to bring our awareness and intention into the Diamond Transparency bandwidth of illumination, we begin to see all of the different ways we have become afraid of expressing our true thoughts, feelings, and behavior. Hiding our true Selves through the illusion cast by this wide net of deception.
As we call in the Christos codex of Diamond Transparency we are able to embody the wisdom and knowing that every fragment of our soul, throughout all space and time, is worthy of acceptance and of infinite unconditional love and compassion. These Divine truths when applied through present moment awareness and the intention of transparency disengage all energetic currency that has been given away to this false matrix.
WEEK FIVE - Releasing and Transmuting the Web of Guilt & Shame
March 31, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
Quite possibly the most intricately woven of all the webs within the massive gestalt of the separation matrix are the frequencies of guilt and shame. They are what the guides refer to as a double back inorganic frequency binder, in that they create tie ins to the Self Sacrifice programing, the Self sabotage programming, the Self hatred programing and then double back into the Human Consciousness Enslavement programing. You have to hand it to the beings that created this web of false frequencies!
Through the further calling in of the Christos Diamond Transparency Codex we are able to see how we have chosen to place our beliefs and conscious currency into these programs and then through our intention and surrendering presence, how we transmute and disengage from them. Creating a grand home coming of our soul fragments that were fractured off into these frequency webs. Bringing home the wisdom, gifts, sovereignty, and freedom that are our Divine birthrights!!
WEEK SIX - Questions and Answers
April 7, 2021 @ 6:00pm EST
This is an opportunity to bring forth questions for the guides to answer that pertain to the previous 5 classes we have experienced together. Depending on the volume of questions, we may close this final live meeting with a heart balancing activation.