✨ Are you ready to further ignite your path of assisting others on their journey to inner healing and Self Realization? While simultaneously igniting the same and much more for Your Self?
✨Do you desire a clear pathway to the embodiment of Joy, Clarity, Peace, Creative Flow, Abundance, Freedom, Sovereignty, and Love for Self and All?
✨Are you seeking to connect with a high vibrational community? With like hearted people? To grow and nourish a network of sovereign support and expansion?
✨Do you desire to create a path of Devotion and Self Realization that Nourishes you in All facets of your Life? Including financially?
If your heart is singing a YES to the questions above then allow me to introduce to you the Diamond Breathwork & Quantum Flowfacilitation & embodiment certification.
This is a nine month journey and deep alchemical dive into the expansive healing tools, methods, and techniques of 6 different Diamond Sacred Breathwork practices AND the Diamond Quantum Flow modality of inner healing and energetic alchemy for the physical, mental, emotional, and spirit bodies.
YES, the journey of our 9 months together leads one to a certification as a Diamond Breathwork & Quantum Flow Facilitator & Practitioner. AND YES the journey is a potent path to inner healing, Self Realization, and greater embodiment of your Highest & most Authentic Self!
Whether you desire to lead one-on-one private sessions, group sessions, virtual platforms, live platforms, or simply desire to embody the Diamond codes of light, breath, sound, and plasma for your personal practice and journey of enlightenment, this experience will provide the opportunity for all of these pathways and more!
There is no prior experience with Breathwork or Quantum Flow required to participate. Whether you are just beginning your journey to exploring new modalities of inner healing and profound embodiment, or have been on the path for decades, all are welcome to participate!
I have experienced innumerable miracles, profound inner healing, and embodiment through my journey of 12+ years as a practitioner, facilitator, and embodiment of these breathwork practices and quantum diamond flow techniques.
Each day of the journey, through Diamond Breathwork & Quantum Flow, my Life has become more & more of a living meditation, full with clarity, peace, neutrality, love, freedom, and much more.
My greatest desire and devotion to humanity is ignited & most joyously expressed through sharing these profound modalities with you!
Diamond Breathwork + Diamond Quantum Flow + Focused Intention = Profound Soulular & Cellular Alchemy
✨ 6 systems of Diamond Breathwork will be shared, practiced, facilitated, and embodied. Many certification offerings provide one or two breathwork systems/techniques as part of the experience.
✨ The 6 systems of Diamond Breathwork that are offered are all unique in Mudra, Mantra, and Movement of breath.
✨ The Diamond Quantum Flow system/modality of inner healing and energetic alchemy of the physical, mental, emotional, and spirit bodies is only offered through this experience. This quantum system of Soul and Cell Alchemy was “downloaded” by Brooklin over 7 years ago and continues to broaden and expand in its alchemical range of assisting in the dissolve of stagnant, discordant, and dense energies that are present within One’s bodies.
✨9 Personal one-on-one 60 minute sessions together with Brooklin to deepen your personal expansion, understanding & depth of all of the systems and practices, AND to bring into full manifestation that which you most desire to receive of the facilitation and embodiment training.
✨LIVE Classes & Training on Zoom! All of the classes that are part of the journey of 9 months together are held on zoom Live. This allows the opportunity to ask questions, participate in community sharing & connection, and experience the breath practices and quantum flow modality in real time.
Each Live class will be recorded and archived in your membership portal to be assessed for life. For those that have very full and unpredictable schedules you will have the opportunity to catch the recorded replays within hours of the live class.
Some of What is offered as part of the experience….
✨ 2 Live classes each week for 90 minutes / held on Tuesdays & Thursdays (times TBD) ~ learn the Diamond Breathwork & Quantum Flow modalities, systems & techniques / ask questions and gain clarity / small breakout rooms for practicing & connecting
✨ 2 Live Zoom 60-75 minute Diamond Breathwork & Quantum Flow transmissions each week led by Brooklin / held primarily on Mondays & Wednesdays (times TBD) ~ Receive the Diamond Codes activation & initiation through the transmissions / all transmissions are additionally available as a recording in your membership portal, for those that are not available for the live experience
✨ 1 Live zoom 120 minute community gathering each month on a Saturday ~ to connect, ask questions, explore modalities, and practice with one another
✨ 9 private sessions with Brooklin (1 each month) to deepen your personal expansion, understanding & depth of all of the systems and practices, AND bring into full manifestation that which you most desire to receive of the facilitation and embodiment training.
✨ Additional training that is a part of the certification
+ Sacred Space holding + Spiritual Hygiene + Sacred ethics & Integrity
+ Lifestyle Purification + Practices to assist One in the embodiment as a clear conduit of the Diamond codes
+Opening Communication + Clarity to the intuitive flow of your Higher Self
+Ways to get started in creating your services as a facilitator & embodiment of the Diamond Breathwork & Quantum Flow modalities
✨START DATE for the 9 month journey together is TUESDAY, APRIL 30th, 2024.
The Completion of the journey & certification will be late January 2024 / early February 2025.
There will be a few windows of time that we will have scheduled breaks from the classes & curriculum. The detailed schedule with breaks and class times will be available closer to the start of the 9 month journey.
✨The exchange for this profound alchemical experience of the Diamond Breathwork & Quantum Flow facilitation & embodiment certification is $9,999
✨There are payment plan options available upon request. Once participation is confirmed through payment, we do not issue here refunds.
✨The $9,999 does Not include the cost of the 8 day intensive in person retreat and certification ceremony. To be held at the end of our 9 months together.
What is Required of participants to receive the Diamond Breathwork & Quantum Flow facilitation & embodiment Certification
✨ Full participation (whether attending live or watching as a recording) in ALL of the Classes, Breathwork + Quantum Flow transmissions, and private one-on-one sessions
✨ Completion of a minimum of 108 Sacred Breathwork practices (3 per week for 9 months) / these can be a combination of the transmissions led by Brooklin, other breathwork classes or offerings, and/or Self guided breathwork practices
✨ Completion of a minimum of 33 guided Diamond Breathwork & Quantum Flow practice one-on one sessions (less than 1/ week over the 9 months) offered to family, friends, fellow participants, current community, and clients / Detailed written account of the experience from both your vantage point of the experience + written feedback from the participant. These can be offered in person or virtual.
✨ Completion of a minimum of 9 group Diamond Breathwork & Quantum Flow practice sessions (1 per month) offered to family, friends, fellow participants, current community, and clients / Detailed written account of the experience from both your vantage point of the experience + written feedback from participants. These can be offered in person or virtual.
✨A live one-on-one live zoom session with Brooklin (during the last few months of the training) to explore/test your preparedness as a facilitator and Embodiment, understanding of the Diamond Breathwork & Quantum Flow systems and codes of Divine Integrity. This will be in the format of an oral evaluation and conversation.
✨Attendance and Full Participation at the in-person 8-day intensive retreat and certification ceremony. To be held at the end of the 9-month on-line training. The details of the location, cost, and dates are still under consideration and will be further determined by the number of participants. It will likely be held either in January or early February of 2025.