Activating Your Divine Crystalline Blueprints
As a spiritual community of light we ask that you honor our request to not share these links with anyone else. Upholding the integrity of Divine Truth and Honesty.
Blessings and Gratitude!
Connecting & Grounding our Divine Crystalline technology into the Diamond Grids of Sophia Gaia
The Grandmother Guardian Gatekeepers of Gaia + Solar Rishi Collective + Lemurians + Sophia Christ Collective + Elemental Council of Light join us through this channeled transmission and activation of journeying deep into the crystal caverns and diamond grid network of Gaia.
Here we will be assisted by these many collectives to clear patterns of density within our womb and root chakra technologies. Clearing and transmuting distortion frequencies, fragmented and manipulated cellular DNA imprints, false matrixes, negative emotional codex, self limiting beliefs, etc. from our personal soul experience, our ancestral lineages, and that of the collective of humanity.
In turn activating and embodying more of our crystalline DNA and Divine original blueprints and grounding this into the Diamond grid network of Sophia Gaia. Concluding the journey with a sacred water activation and rebirthing of your connection with Sophia Gaia as your Earth Mother Source.
Rebirthing our Solar Plexus Divine Crystalline Architecture and Reestablishing our connection to the Platinum Crystal Core of Gaia and that of the God Realms
The Solar Rishi, 12 Dimensional Arcturian Council of Light, 12D Ancient Pleiadians, Grandmother Guardian Gatekeepers of Gaia, Golden RA Sun Collective, Aurora Guardians, and the God Realm Guardian Gatekeepers join to assist and guide us through a grand transmission and activation of rebirthing of our solar plexus technology, the still point of our Divine architecture, the EYE of RA.
These multidimensional light collectives and guides gather to share that our solar plexus technology is the Golden Star Gate energy portal and RA center. They further unfold that this Divine architecture is the nucleus of our conscious identity and of our Divine purpose. As part of our Divine blueprint (and birthright) our solar plexus technology is meant to be fully connected to and through the 14th chakra center which houses the spiritual platinum body blueprint and connection point to our RA center.
We will be taken into the platinum crystal diamond core of Gaia in this sacred activation. Here we will be assisted in dissolving the false RA center programming, transmuting the 1D and 2D reversal frequency codexes, and the consciousness entrapments of the mental body false matrixes.
A recalibration and harmonization of our the light body and spiritual plasma body will be divinely conducted, as well as a clearing, balancing and grounding of our electromagnetic plasma fields and elemental body. Thus preparing us for the grand reinstallation of our hieros gamos crystalline seed technology within the solar plexus. Additionally the balancing and divine housing of the three fold founder flame within our entire crystalline structure shall unfold while simultaneously grounding it into the diamond platinum core of Gaia’s grid network and that of the God Realms.
A Heart Center Homecoming: rebirthing and rebuilding the Immaculate Diamond Heart Christos Architecture
The 12D Pleiadians, Cassiopeian Council of Light, The Lemurians, Rainbow Christos Diamond Children, The 12D Council of Light, Aurora Guardians, Master Christos collective, Sophia Christ Collective, The Diamond Council of Water, The Dolphin and Whale Collectives, The Ancient Lyran Council of Light, and The Grandmother Guardian Gatekeepers guide and assist us through a beautiful journey of rebirthing our crystalline heart technologies.
Reconnecting our Higher Self and Oversoul technologies into the center point of our Diamond God Seed within the upper heart Chakra. Transmuting inorganic frequency bands and structures that no longer serve our Divine path of hear and now.
The installation of our Divine Immaculate Diamond Heart Technologies is a homecoming that words fall short to describe. We have been waiting for many incarnations for the ability to embody this Divine technology that is our birthright. The many collectives and guides step forward in our honor to assist us in this incredible connection and homecoming. Allowing for a big shift in our quantum heart coherence bandwidth, enabling greater connection and communication with the atom seed of our God Consciousness hub and Divine communication center.
As we enter into this profound journey of the heart together the Grandmother Guardian Gatekeepers and the Lemurians once again assist us in the deep grounding of these Divine technologies within our physical bodies of the here and now. Further grounding and connecting this rebirthing and integration into the Diamond Grid Network of Gaia.
Reinstalling & Reactivating our Crystalline Throat Technology and Reuniting with Your Golden Channel of Sacred Divine Truth & Wisdom
The Sophia Christ Collective, the Golden Order of Sphinx, the Hathors, the 12th Dimensional Pleiadians, The Aurora Guardians, The Rainbow Diamond Christ Collective, The Diamond Council of Water, The Divinian Collective, Sophia Mother Source, the Emerald Oraphim, Solar Rishi, the Golden Seraphim Collective, and Grandmother Guardian Gatekeepers come to guide and assist us in this beautiful homecoming of our Krystal Voice.
For millennia we have been hiding under the layers of the veils of illusion. Masking our Divine Truths to be able to survive and fit into the thralls of the thick web of quantum entanglement of the Separation Matrix. Now as we are incarnated in this profound time of the Golden Age of Transparency and Ascension we have a grand opportunity to reclaim our Divine Voice of pure Truth and Clarity!
We are in the process of a massive rebirthing as individual souls and as the collective of humanity! Many of the Light beings and collectives that come forth to assist us in this week’s activation are the holders of the eternal Diamond White Flame of Truth. Here to assist us in the activation and integration of our Diamond Crystalline throat architecture.
As part of our Divine birthright we were always intended to be able to channel pure Source wisdom and pure Source Truth. We are all Divine Channels in our unique expression. When we fully choose to step into the God Sovereign Free Beings that we are, we are able to further activate and honor ourselves as these channels.
The Hathors will be assisting with clearing many inorganic frequency bands and cord entanglement to our emotional body center point within the Throat Chakra. Allowing for the grand homecoming of our Divine Blueprint and Christos Architecture.
The Grandmother Guardian Gatekeepers of Gaia will assist us in the grounding of this beautiful transformation into real time and the physical here and now. Connecting us to and grounding us into Sophia Gaia’s Diamond Grid Network. Whereby sending out the quantum invitation for all of humanity and all of her Earth beings to benefit! The further reconnection of the Unity Consciousness Grid - Law of One.
Open Source....Rebirthing & Resurrecting our 3rd Eye & Crown Crystalline Architecture creating and activating new gateways and connections to the Source Grid Network
The 12D Ancient Arcturians, 12D Council of Twelve, The Ancient Lyran-Sirian Collective, The Golden Seraphim, 12D Ancient Pleiadians, The Golden Order of Sphinx, The Master Christos Collective, The Aurora Guardians, The Council of Light, The Grandmother Guardian Gatekeepers, and Council of Source Clarity... guide and assist us with this glorious rebirth and homecoming!
These magnificent collectives guide us through a journey of clearing, cleansing, integrating, activating and reconnecting us to more embodiment of our Oversoul technologies of the crown and third eye.
Disconnecting us from the false matrixes, inorganic frequencies and technologies and reconnecting us to pure Source Grid. Allowing us to rebirth our inner vision and communication hub while having clear and direct flow of Source light and wisdom.
Once again met by the Grandmother Guardian Gatekeepers of Gaia to assist us in the grounding of this crystalline architecture into physical embodiment, into the here and now, and into the Diamond Grid Network of Gaia.